13:00, Friday 15 November 2019
Bishopsgate Institute (external link)
230 Bishopsgate
EC2M 4QH London
United Kingdom
A concert of the music of Laurence Crane suggested by the theme of sports from the Bishopsgate Institute archives.
Laurence Crane | Slow Folk Tune: Sheringham | 20145 |
Laurence Crane | Len Valley Us | 201410 |
Laurence Crane | Piano Piece No.23 “Ethiopian Distance Runners” | 200922 |
19:00, Monday 13 December 2021
Performance Space, City University (external link)
College Building, St John Street
EC1V 0HB London
United Kingdom
Gerard Grisey | Anubis, Nout | 198310 |
Giancarlo Cardini | Canti Segreti | 198913 |
Laurence Crane | Len Valley Us | 201410 |
Laurence Crane | Sparling | 19925 |