Performances of English Country-Tunes

Popular Contexts

Out Hear

20:00, Monday 22 November 2010
Kings Place Hall Two (external link)
90 York Way
N1 9AG London
United Kingdom

Loving and wistful, savage and bitter, Finnissy (external link)'s colossal early work challenges and celebrates notions of Englishness through engagement with English folk-song and its connotations of rural innocence. Shlomowitz (external link)'s new work for piano and sampler (written for Mark Knoop) presents new perspectives on the familiar.

Matthew Shlomowitz Popular Contexts 2010*30
Michael Finnissy English Country-Tunes 1977/1982-8540

LCMF: New Complexity and Noise

London Contemporary Music Festival

19:30, Friday 2 August 2013
Bold Tendencies (external link)
Level 7, Multi Storey Car Park, 95a Rye Lane
SE15 9ST London
United Kingdom

LCMF2013 brings together music associated with the New Complexity school of composition and noise-based improvisation. Also featuring performances by Anthony Pateras, Steve Noble and Russell Haswell.

Michael Finnissy English Country-Tunes 1977/1982-8540
first performance