Performances of Étude d’un prélude I—Chopin desséché

Disintegrate, degenerate, decompose

Out Hear

20:00, Monday 17 May 2010
Kings Place Hall Two (external link)
90 York Way
N1 9AG London
United Kingdom

Pianist Mark Knoop presents two musical experiences: Richard Beaudoin (external link)’s new work Études d’un prélude celebrates Chopin’s 200th birth year with a multifaceted aural portrait; Morton Feldman (external link)’s For Bunita Marcus evolves peacefully yet relentlessly across its 70 minute duration, ultimately removing the perspective of instrument or even the passage of time.

Tickets on sale 6 February 2010 from Kings Place (external link).

Richard Beaudoin Étude d’un prélude VII—Latticed Window 2009*2
Richard Beaudoin Étude d’un prélude IV—Black Wires 20097
Richard Beaudoin Étude d’un prélude I—Chopin desséché 2009*7
Morton Feldman For Bunita Marcus 198570
first performance
first performance in The United Kingdom